bellarine dog trainer

The reflective nature of the dog and human relationship

Beyond Companionship: The Reflective Nature Between Dogs and their Humans

The reflective relationship between dogs and humans is not a new revelation. Still, over the years, I have pondered the similarities between myself and Cooper, and now again with Mojo and, more recently, Grommet.   Suppose you’ve ever seen the original 101 Dalmatians Disney movie. In that case, the opening scene shows owners and their …

Beyond Companionship: The Reflective Nature Between Dogs and their Humans Read More »

Cooper – Pt 4: Farewelling the dog who inspired my Dog Training journey.

In dog training, every journey is unique, filled with triumphs, setbacks, and the unwavering bond between trainers and their beloved companions.    After returning from attending Jay Jack’s transformative workshop in Sydney, filled with inspiration and newfound knowledge, Cooper’s journey took an unexpected turn.   On Wednesday, I resumed my dog walking responsibilities with Cooper …

Cooper – Pt 4: Farewelling the dog who inspired my Dog Training journey. Read More »